9+ Weight loss essentials you didn’t know you needed
This post is about weight loss essentials that helped me along my journey. I am not a Doctor or Nutritionist and all of these recommendations are based on personal experiences. What has worked for me may not work for you, read more in my disclosure policy.

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Starting a weight loss journey and being in a calorie deficit can be super overwhelming. You can constantly feel like you’re missing out on all the delicious foods you once loved. You may be surprised to know that you can actually still enjoy all your favorite recipes whilst still being in a calorie deficit!
If you’re starting a weight loss journey or a calorie deficit and you’re super overwhelmed with what you need and where to begin, you’ve come to the right place!
Here are 10 weight loss essentials you NEED when you’re in a calorie deficit or on a weight loss journey (hint – definitely NOT supplements or weight loss teas)!
Weight loss essentials:
1. 0 Calorie syrups
These syrups are one of the most important weight loss essentials!! If I could only have one thing during my weight loss journey, it would be these syrups!
I have a cup of coffee or a Matcha latte every single day. Regularly, these drinks contain tons of sugar and calories that are unnecessary to consume daily. These syrups contain 0 calories and taste exactly the same as the regular caramel syrups!
I was never going to cut out coffee but I knew i needed to cut down on the liquid calories. They provide no nutrients and take away a chunk of calories. I looked around for low calorie syrups, tried a few (mostly terrible) and then finally came across these and I have never looked back!
They were genuinely (and still are) the best things I came across during my weight loss journey. I can’t even imagine my life without them! I even have a whole post dedicated to my favorite 0 calorie syrups lol!
2. Kitchen scale

This was the best weight loss tool I purchased! I have no idea where I would be without my trusted kitchen scale. It is super important when you’re in a calorie deficit as you can weigh out your food and know exactly what you’re eating.
If you’re not counting calories, this isn’t as important. There are plenty of other tools that you can use to lose weight without calorie counting.
3. Weighing scale

There are so many ways to track your weight loss progress. The easiest method is to simply weigh yourself!
One thing to note about weighing yourself is that weight can easily fluctuate. Weight fluctuates based on soooo many factors. That’s why its best to weigh yourself in biweekly or monthly intervals.
Weigh yourself at the same time (ideally in the morning before you eat/drink anything) each month. Wear tight fitting, light clothes and wear the same clothes each time you weigh yourself.
Pro tip (for the ladies): weigh yourself after that time of the month to avoid fluctuations based on hormones or water retention!
4. Stevia / 0 calorie sweetener

The secret to making low calorie baked goods is 0 calorie sweetener. Stevia is a weight loss baking essential! It is naturally sourced so there are no harmful chemicals, plus, it tastes just as good as sugar.
There are tons of 0 calorie and low calorie sweeteners out there. Stevia is by far the best tasting one, plus, it bakes super well! Erythritol is another natural sweetener that tastes really good BUT it is really difficult to bake with in my opinion.
5. Measuring tape

Taking measurements is such a good way to track your weight loss and progress. I weighed myself AND also took measurements to lose over 40kg!
You can take measurements if you prefer not to weigh yourself. Measurements tend to be more accurate than weight as weight is dependent on more factors (such as muscle mass, water weight etc.) than measurements.
Plus, measurements are super easy to do!
6. Portion control plate

If calorie counting seems too daunting for you, a portion control plate might be more your style. I wish I had discovered this sooner during my weight loss journey!
It is so much easier to use this plate than it is to measure everything out. If you’re anything like me and never know how many veggies you need, this is perfect for you!
7. Weight loss journal

If you’re not much of a digital person, weight loss journals are perfect for you. I am super type A and needed to track everything from goals to progress and measurements! What better way to compile it all than in one notebook designed for weight loss?
You can use a simple notebook and dedicate that to your weight loss journey, or you can use a journal with prompts.
With a weight loss journal or notebook, you can track absolutely everything all in one place that you can access whenever. Whatever you choose to use, just make sure its dated so you can refer back to dates when looking over your progress!
8. Walking pad

Going to the gym can be daunting especially in the beginning of your weight loss journey. Walking is a great way to exercise and burn calories. I got myself this walking around 3 months into my journey and I have used it ever since! It is so easy to set up anywhere, I usually use it whilst I’m working from home.
9. Fitness watch

This is a weight loss essential I would 100% recommend if you can get it! You can track your exercise precisely. I would go on long walks during my weight loss journey and loved being able to see how many steps I did and how many calories I burned (so I could eat it all back!).
It also tracks your sleep which is great because sleep is so important when it comes to finally losing weight (you’d be surprised how much it influences your weight)!
10. Weighted hoop

Everyone knows you don’t need a gym membership to lose weight (if you didn’t know, YOU REALLY DON’T)! There are tons of free workouts on YouTube. You can also walk, jog or run all for free outside.
Another fun way to get some exercise is by using a weighted hoop. It is actually so much more challenging than it may seem.
It is definitely a lifesaver if you don’t like working out and just want something quick and fun that still counts towards your daily exercise!
11. Workout set
If you do love to work out, having a great set of workout clothes is essential!
This set is super comfortable and cute. I feel like 80% of working out is feeling great and it helps to feel like you look good too!
They are slightly pricey but 100% worth it! I bought a set almost a year ago and still wear it to the gym every other day (I have since bought 3 more because they’re SO cute)!!